
Hello. I Am Dann and this is my blog. I am an entrepreneur living in New York City. I write, create, compute, and collect and have my hands in a number of different projects. I’m passionate about technology, start-ups, business, social media and the Internet. I’ll tell you all about it.

I created this blog as a way to join the conversation involving big ideas and concepts that interest me. It’s a way to brainstorm out loud, share ideas, concepts, or work flows that have have been helpful to me. I seek to be a voice of reason when everyone is freaking out, and to be freaking out while everyone else is placidly standing idle. I wish to never stop thinking.

If you have any feedback or want to get in contact with me, feel free to shoot me an email or just use my contact page. I’m always looking to meet new people and get involved in different projects.

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